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auto accident

Accidentes de Coche

Descubra más acerca de los accidentes de coche en Orlando y qué hacer si usted o un ser querido fue gravemente herido en la carretera.

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personal injury

Lesiones Personales

Le conviene contratar a un abogado experto en lesiones personales de la Florida si usted o un ser querido ha sido lesionado.

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Compensación a los Trabajadores

Deje que nuestros abogados de compensación de trabajadores le ayuden a obtener la compensación que merece después de una lesión.

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Escuche historias de clientes reales sobre cómo llamar a Moe después de un accidente los ayudó a recuperarse.

Que Dicen Nuestros Clientes

Julian Hernandez
One Star One Star One Star One Star One Star
The attorneys at this firm were very supportive through times of uncertainty and guided me very well in my case. I recommend them strongly
Toby Pastva
One Star One Star One Star One Star One Star
Very informative and helpful. Checked in on me constantly, made sure everything was going the way I needed it to. Thank you very much for the service!
Mwalimu Lovelace
One Star One Star One Star One Star One Star
Very professional. I was in a car accident and called Mo. He walked me through the process and got everything settled.
One Star One Star One Star One Star One Star
When the times were rough my man Moe came to the rescue. Other lawyers were shady or difficult to work with but thank god Josh told me about the great work Moe does! Hit him up!

Lo Que Debe Saber Después De Un Accidente

Si usted ha estado involucrado en un accidente de coche, hay ciertos pasos que puede tomar para asegurarse de que tiene las pruebas para construir un caso sólido. Entre ellas se encuentran las siguientes:

  • Tomar fotos: Casi todo el mundo tiene una cámara en su bolsillo en todo momento. Utilice su teléfono para tomar fotos de la escena del accidente desde todos los ángulos.
  • Obtenga la información de contacto de los testigos: Los testigos de su accidente de coche pueden tener un testimonio valioso que demostrará que el accidente no fue culpa suya. Obtenga toda la información de contacto que pueda conseguir.
  • Obtenga un informe policial: El oficial proporcionará un informe del accidente que contendrá información valiosa sobre quién es el culpable, y detalles cruciales sobre el accidente que usted puede perder. En algunos casos, es posible que tenga que presentar un informe policial para presentar un reclamo. Sea precavido y denuncie siempre el accidente a la policía.
  • Busque atención médica: A menudo, las lesiones de los accidentes de coche pueden no ser evidentes el día del accidente. Esto se debe al hecho de que un accidente es estresante y causará un pico de adrenalina. Por esta razón, es mejor ser revisado por un profesional médico tan pronto como sea posible después de un accidente.

Knowledge Is Power

Arm Yourself With Free Copies Of Our Books

ebook cover Car Accidents in FL2

Your Legal Guide to Car AccidentsIn Florida

When you’re in a crash, the clock starts ticking. In order to fight for your maximum compensation, you have to look after your health and protect yourself from the insurance company’s tricks. Don’t be unprepared for the journey ahead.

ebook cover 5 Costly PI Mistakes

Find out the5 costly mistakesof personal injury cases

Many accident and injury victims believe that if they cooperate with the insurance company they will get a fair and timely settlement. Unfortunately it is way too easy to he pushed into waiving your rights for a settlement that doesn't cover your medical bills and lost wages. Injury law can be very complex. You must have a basic knowledge of how the process works, so that others do not take advantage of you.

ebook cover motorcycle insurance coverage

A Complete Guide to Motorcycle Insurance Coverage for Riders in Florida

In this guide, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about Florida’s motorcycle insurance laws, the recommended coverages that go beyond minimum requirements, helmet laws and their insurance implications, and a quick FAQ to address common questions.

ebook cover motorcyle injury compensation

Your legal guide toMotorcycle Injurycompensation

The only thing worse than being seriously injured in a motorcycle accident is to NOT get the compensation you deserve – or to find out later that you have been taken advantage of by an insurance company.

ebook cover hurricane Damage

Your Guide For Property Owners With Hurricane Damage In Florida

In this book, you will discover essential guidance for Florida property owners to prepare for and recover from hurricanes, including proactive measures to safeguard property, understand insurance policies, and avoid common claim mistakes. It also provides insights into legal rights, ensuring you can navigate claims disputes and secure fair compensation after a storm.

ebook cover dog bites

Your Guide For Dog Bites Lawyer in Florida: Your Ultimate Legal Guide In Florida

In this book, readers are guided through Florida’s strict liability laws for dog bites, which hold owners accountable regardless of the dog's history, alongside actionable advice for victims, including steps to document incidents and seek legal recourse. It also emphasizes prevention, the role of insurance, and specific legal considerations, making it a comprehensive resource for victims and pet owners alike.


This eBook provides a comprehensive legal guide to slip and fall accidents in Florida, outlining victims' rights, key legal steps, common pitfalls to avoid, and the importance of seeking proper legal representation.

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