Tampa Hit and Run Accident Lawyer

If you’re the victim of a driver that flees the scene, Tampa hit and run lawyer Moe DeWitt can help you claim compensation. We can help you seek damages for your injuries and losses and hold the offender accountable for their actions.

Hit and Run Accident Victim Lawyer Near Tampa

Do you need a hit and run accident victim lawyer near Tampa? Contact JustCallMoe at 866-225-5663.

When you need an experienced legal team that focuses only on injury cases, we’re here to represent you until you have justice. We handle all the aspects of your claim.

How our experienced law firm can help

In a hit and run accident case, we may assist with any of the following:

  • Investigating who is at fault for the hit and run
  • Gathering police reports to build on the law enforcement investigation
  • Initiating a case
  • Evaluating the insurance policies to determine how to best claim for your losses
  • Determining the full extent of your injuries
  • Valuing all your damages including economic and non-economic losses
  • Presenting the evidence and advancing your legal claim
  • Working towards a complete and fair resolution of your case

We are a full-service law firm. We handle everything necessary. That means speaking on your behalf in court and filing legal documents. However, a lot of what we do happens outside the courtroom. We investigate, talk to the insurance company and give you honest counsel while fighting to get you the result you deserve.

What is a civil hit and run accident case?

A hit and run is a crime. It may also be a civil claim. Whether or not the offender faces criminal charges, the victim may bring a civil claim for compensation. In fact, the whole purpose of a civil proceeding is just that – compensation for the victim. The victim initiates their own case with the goal of receiving fair compensation for injuries and damages.

Can I sue for hit and run in Florida?

Drivers who are hurt in a hit and run in Florida may claim compensation through no fault as well as through their own uninsured/underinsured coverage. If the offender is located, they may sue for serious, permanent and disfiguring injuries.

Is a criminal hit and run charge enough for the victim?

The police may investigate, and they may find the person responsible for the hit and run. They may charge that person with a crime. Whether or not that happens, there are good reasons to pursue a civil case. Our lawyers want you to know the important differences between the two types of cases:

  • The victim can bring a claim whether or not the police authorize charges
  • The victim can bring their claim even if the defendant takes a plea or is found not guilty
  • Preponderance of the evidence is the legal standard in a civil case. That’s less than the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt for a criminal case
  • Restitution in a criminal case is limited. You may claim more types of compensation, like pain and suffering, in a civil case
  • A prosecutor may extend a plea offer in a criminal case even if the victim disagrees with it. In a civil case, the victim decides whether to accept or reject a settlement offer
  • In the civil case, the victim controls how to present the evidence. The victim may work with the attorney of their choice, rather than a prosecutor assigned by the government

Criminal hit and run laws are important to hold the offender accountable and have them answer to society. However, a criminal charge alone is inadequate to fairly compensate the victim for their losses. Let our Tampa hit and run accident lawyers explore the ways that a civil claim can help you truly achieve justice after a hit and run.

How can I help my civil hit and run case?

As soon as you contact our lawyers, we can guide you through everything you need to do. Until then, here are some things that you can do after a hit and run.

  • Call the police. You should call the police at the accident scene, even if the other party doesn’t. Fleeing the scene is a crime, and calling the police allows them to investigate the hit and run as well as the initial cause of the accident.
  • Seek medical attention. Addressing life-threatening injuries is the most important thing to do first. Ensure that anyone who may have injuries gets the attention they deserve.
  • Preserve the evidence. Even though the police may respond and investigate, gather any information that you can for yourself. Take photos of the scene. Turn on the video function of your phone and scan the accident scene.
  • Write down details. Try to remember as many details as you can from the accident. What was the make and model of the vehicle? What was the color and description of the vehicle? direction did they flee? Did you notice any characteristics of the driver that may identify them? Write down anything you can remember, even if you don’t know how it might be important.
  • Save records of treatment. As you receive medical attention, keep records of the care that you receive and the cost. Also keep records of missed work and lost income.
  • Notify the insurance company. Report the accident to your own insurance company. Just give a generic description of the accident, and tell them your attorney will follow up.

Contact our hit and run accident lawyers as soon as possible.

Schedule a consultation with a hit and run accident lawyer

Are you ready to get compensated for your hit and run accident?

Are you unsure of how to make a claim for your hit and run accident?

Do you want to hold the offender accountable for a hit and run accident?


Moe DeWitt and the JustCallMoe team can represent individuals and families when they are victims of hit and run accidents. Don’t wait to receive the compensation that you deserve. Contact us today at 866-225-5663.

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