Can a Store Be Liable for a Customer’s Fall Injuries?

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Accidents like falls happen in retail stores, but are stores liable for a customer’s injury?

It’s crucial that you take action after a fall in order to hold the store liable. To receive compensation from a store, you’ll need to prove the retail establishment was negligent in some way, and that their negligence led to your injuries.

Common Dangers at a Retail Store

There are various circumstances that can make a retail store dangerous for customers. Some of these dangers include:

  • Wet floors from mopping or spills
  • Cluttered aisles
  • Uneven flooring
  • Loose carpeting
  • Poor lighting

So, what happens when you are injured in a store? Retail stores have a duty of care to ensure the safety of their customers. This means that they must take measures to prevent dangerous conditions. If a retail store fails to do so and you are injured as a result, you may have a case against them.

Proving Liability for Your Injuries

To hold a retail store liable for your injuries, you will need to show that they were aware or should have been aware of the dangerous condition and did not take steps to correct it. You will also need to show that you were injured as a direct result of the dangerous condition.

For example, if you slipped and fell on a wet floor, you will need to prove that the store knew or should have known about the wet floor and failed to take proper precautions, such as posting a sign and having the liquid promptly cleaned up.

If you can prove these things, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.

What Should You Do If You Suffer a Fall At a Retail Store

If you fell at a store, you must have evidence to back up your claim. Here are some of the things you should do to increase your chances of winning the case:

  • Take pictures of the scene of the accident, including any hazards that may have caused your fall.
  • Get the contact information of any witnesses.
  • Make the store aware of the accident and get a copy of the store’s incident report.
  • Ask for security footage of the fall, if available.
  • Get medical attention as soon as possible and keep copies of all your medical records.
  • Keep a record of any lost wages or other financial losses as a result of your injuries.

Talk to Your Florida Premises Liability Attorney

Proving retail store negligence after a slip and fall can be difficult. It’s important to have an experienced premises liability lawyer on your side to help you fight for fair compensation. If you or someone you love has been injured in a slip and fall accident, JustCallMoe will be able to help. Give us a call today to discuss your legal options.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I settle a slip and fall case out of court?

You should never settle any case without getting the advice of an experienced attorney. The store owner may want to settle your slip and fall cases out of court, as it’s less expensive and saves time. However, it’s best to consult with an experienced lawyer before agreeing to any settlement offers to ensure they are offering fair compensation for the injuries you sustained.

Is it hard to win a slip and fall case?

Proving a slip and fall case can be difficult as you must prove retail store negligence. But with the help of an experienced slip and fall attorney, you’ll have a better chance of winning.

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