Dog bites are serious injuries that are surprisingly expensive. You might think that the only medical treatment you will need is a bandage and some ointment. But a dog’s teeth can cause major damage to nerves and leave victims with pain and disfiguring scars. Contact JustCallMoe to speak with an experienced Orlando dog bite lawyer at our firm about your case. Below, we look at what you can expect in terms of average dog bite settlement amounts. Our consultations are free and without any obligation, so there is no reason to delay speaking with an attorney at our office.
Average Dog Bite Settlement in 2023: $66,615
The Insurance Information Institute collects information from homeowner’s insurance companies about dog bite settlements. These insurers often pay out dog bite compensation to victims. The most recent data is from 2023, and in that year the average settlement for dog bite cases in Florida was $66,615. This number was based on 1,532 claims submitted during the year.
This is only an average. It involves taking all dog bite settlement amounts and adding them up, then dividing them by the number of settlements. Some people received much more, and others received much less than the average.
Interestingly, Florida’s average was higher than the average for the entire nation. In 2023, the average dog bite settlement for the entire U.S. was $58,545, so Florida’s average was about 15% higher. Florida had the second-highest average dog bite settlement in the entire country. It was second only to California, which averaged $68,125 per claim.
Why was Florida so high? Perhaps the cost of medical care is much higher in Florida than in other states. Medical care makes up a large portion of any settlement since it is a type of economic loss that a dog owner should cover.
Some defendants don’t have homeowner’s insurance. Instead, they pay a settlement out of pocket.
Their numbers are not included in this average calculation.
How Much is Your Case Worth?
The average is a starting point when considering the value of your claim. But it is only that—a starting point. A dog bite victim can receive compensation for various damages following a dog attack:
Medical Treatment
The treatment will depend on the severity of your injuries. Some victims are mauled and will require time in the Intensive Care Unit, as well as reconstructive surgery. Some Orlando dog bite victims end up losing a limb and have associated medical expenses, such as the cost of a prosthesis.
Even relatively minor bites could result in an infection which could develop into sepsis. Some dog bite victims are in the hospital for weeks trying to fight off an infection.
When injuries are serious, then dog bite victims need rehabilitation and physical therapy. We include past and future medical expenses as dog bite compensation.
Lost Income or Wages
Dog bites cause painful injuries, which means that people will be stuck at home resting. Until the pain subsides, most victims cannot work, which means they will lose money. The average dog bite settlement should include compensation for any lost income or wages.
In extreme cases, a victim will never be able to return to their old job. Imagine that a dog bites your leg, which must be amputated. A person who works as a police officer or in a warehouse might have to change jobs because they are confined to a wheelchair. This future income loss is called “loss of earning capacity,” and we can request dog bite compensation for any future losses like these.
Pain and Suffering
Average dog bite settlement amounts include compensation for pain and suffering. These damages are not economic, although money is all that a defendant can give you. Pain and suffering damages cover the bodily pain and mental distress that accompany dog bites. The amount you receive will depend on different factors.
One is the severity of your injuries. A horrific mauling will likely lead to more pain, so a victim should receive more. However, even minor injuries could cause intense mental anguish, such as scars on your face or neck. Contact an attorney for help documenting mental pain and suffering.
Some insurance adjusters like to minimize any pain a victim feels, so they offer very little. They might even claim you are exaggerating the bodily pain or depression you experience. We can negotiate with the insurer so you receive a meaningful amount.
How We Increase Average Dog Bite Settlement Amounts
Your choice of dog bite lawyer will make a big difference. At JustCallMoe, we have decades of experience in personal injury law. Our legal team can help document the full cost of any injury, which can amplify the amount you receive. We can discuss what documentation to hang onto, including proof of medical care. You should also try to document bodily pain and mental distress as best you can. For example, you might keep a journal documenting where you feel pain each day.
We also will minimize any comparative negligence that could undercut the amount of compensation you receive. For example, the dog owner might claim you negligently stepped on the dog, which is why the animal turned around and bit you. We can speak to witnesses and search for other pieces of evidence which help us see the accident.
You do not have an unlimited amount of time to seek compensation. Depending on the legal theory you pursue, you might only get 2 years to file a lawsuit. Going past the deadline is a good way to end up with $0, regardless of your injuries.
Call Our Office to Speak with an Orlando Dog Bite Attorney
Were you injured in a dog attack? You deserve fair compensation and treatment from the insurance companies. Although the average settlement might be around $60,000, the amount you receive will depend on the unique facts of your case. Contact JustCallMoe today to schedule a free consultation.
We can delve into greater detail about your injuries and treatment, as well as your bodily pain.