Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Florida

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Truck accidents should be rare events. After all, truckers need a commercial driver’s license to get behind the wheel, and trucking companies have numerous safety regulations, designed to reduce the risk of accidents. Nonetheless, Florida sees hundreds of truck accidents each year, and many victims end up in the emergency room with debilitating injuries. In this article, our truck accident lawyer looks at the most common causes of truck accidents. Contact the experienced Winter Haven truck accident lawyers at JustCallMoe to speak with a member of our office in a free consultation.

Truck Accident Causes

Truck Driver Distraction

One of the main causes of truck accidents is trucker distraction. Truckers face many distractions while out on the road, such as:

  • GPS devices which help them find their destination
  • Cell phones
  • Electronic dashboards, which they use to communicate with their dispatcher
  • Food and drink

Distractions end up impairing a trucker’s vision, so they can’t see what’s in front of them. Electronic devices also cause cognitive distraction. A trucker who is engaged in a phone conversation is more focused on the subject of the discussion than the road and might remain distracted for nearly a full minute once the conversation ends.

Shifting Cargo

Large trucks haul cargo thousands of miles. This cargo must be properly secured, otherwise a cargo shift can dramatically change the center of gravity. A tractor-trailer could jackknife or even roll over after a cargo shift.

Sometimes, the loading crew does not properly secure the cargo in the first place. The pallets or ties used could be defective and break, but in other situations, the cargo could be unbalanced to begin with.

Trucker Intoxication

Drugs and alcohol use are prevalent and one of the major truck accident causes. Alcohol can cause a trucker to become so drowsy that they fall asleep. Even if awake, an inebriated trucker will have delayed reflexes and could make terrible choices. Truckers have a lower blood alcohol concentration limit of 0.04. If they are over, then they have committed drunk driving.

Drug use has climbed over the past few years. Trucking companies should regularly test their truckers, including random testing throughout the year and testing after most accidents. Unfortunately, some companies cut corners, and the result is a jump in accidents when a trucker uses methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, or another drug.


Truckers usually speed to get to their destination faster. It is one of the most common causes of truck accidents. The faster a truck travels, the more distance it needs to come to a complete stop.

That means the risk of an override accident increases with the truck’s speed. A truck going 20 or 30 miles over the speed limit will not stop in time to avoid a wreck at a construction zone, for example.

Trucker Fatigue

Tired driving is one of the most dangerous causes of truck accidents. Many long haulers are on the road for months at a time, and they can easily drive too long. Tired truckers are more prone to getting into fatal accidents.

The federal government has limited the number of hours a trucker can haul and work in a day. The regulations also limit the amount of work in a 7- or 8-day period. However, some truckers will falsify their logbooks and drive over the limit to save their company money and to reach their destination faster.

Trucker fatigue is dangerous. Please call JustCallMoe if you believe a tired trucker has crashed into you. The trucking company could have a policy that puts pressure on truckers to drive all night. We can request electronic data from the truck to find out how long the vehicle was in motion.

Road Defects

Defects on the road can lead to preventable accidents. Some common defects include:

  • Potholes
  • Improperly designed construction zones
  • Missing or obscured signage
  • Crumbling or dangerous shoulders
  • Missing or defective guardrails

The government must ensure that the road is safe to drive on, and anyone injured in a crash can sue the entity responsible for the road.

Contact our firm. Bringing a legal claim against the government is a difficult task, with many hoops to jump through.

Truck Defects

Sometimes a defect on the truck contributes to an accident. Trucks are complicated motor vehicles, and any number of things could go wrong, from the brakes to the transmission. Even tires can explode on a truck if they are underinflated, and the truck will become unmanageable as a result.

Truckers should perform both pre-and post-trip inspections. If the trucker finds defects, they should not take the vehicle on the road. Unfortunately, many trucking companies let their fleets age without proper maintenance, and they could pressure truckers to skip the required inspections.

Victim Negligence

We can’t leave off the fact that some motorists in smaller vehicles contribute to their wrecks. Not every accident is black and white. Instead, some of the most common truck accident causes are the fault of the victims in other vehicles who might:

  • Tailgate
  • Cut off a truck
  • Linger in a blind spot
  • Fail to use a turn signal
  • Merge on the freeway when there isn’t sufficient room

If you contributed to your accident, then your contributory negligence will matter. Under Florida law, any contributory negligence chargeable to the victim will reduce their compensation by a like percentage. Thus, a driver who is 50% to blame will get only half their damages (at most).

Recent changes to the law will also bar a victim from compensation if they are 51% or more to blame—depending on when the accident happened. Reach out to our law firm. Our job is to minimize your negligence and put the blame squarely where it belongs: on the shoulders of negligent truckers and their employers.

Call to Speak with a Winter Haven Truck Accident Lawyer

The above are common causes of truck accidents, but each case is unique. Your ability to receive compensation rests on proving that another entity is responsible for the wreck. Most defendants include truckers, trucking companies, and manufacturers. Get a free consultation by contacting our experienced attorneys at JustCallMoe today.

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