How Common Are Fatal Pedestrian Accidents in Florida?

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Pedestrian safety is a critical issue, especially in states like Florida, which is a popular tourist destination.

With warm weather year-round and many walkable areas, Florida’s pedestrian traffic is high.

Unfortunately, this also means pedestrian accidents are more common. When a person on foot is struck by a multi-ton vehicle, the results are often catastrophic or fatal. At the law offices of JustCallMoe Injury & Accident Attorneys, we have seen the devastating impact of pedestrian fatalities on families. Let’s take a closer look at the prevalence of fatal pedestrian accidents in Florida.

Florida Leads the Nation in Pedestrian Fatalities

According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Florida has the dubious distinction of being the deadliest state in the U.S. for pedestrians. In 2019, there were 713 pedestrian fatalities in Florida – the highest total of any state. This accounted for over 17% of all pedestrian deaths nationwide that year.

Zooming out, NHTSA statistics show that pedestrian fatalities by state have been on the rise across the country in recent years, increasing by over 44% from 2010 to 2019. While concerning, this national growth pales in comparison to the surge in Florida, where pedestrian deaths skyrocketed by nearly 67% over the same period.

What explains Florida’s alarmingly high rate of pedestrian fatalities compared to other states? Experts point to a combination of factors:

  • Rapid population growth leads to more pedestrians and vehicles on the roads
  • Popularity as a vacation spot, meaning more tourists unfamiliar with the area
  • High proportion of elderly residents, who may have slower reaction times
  • Prevalence of high-speed, multi-lane roads in urban areas
  • Less investment in pedestrian safety infrastructure compared to other states

To put Florida’s pedestrian fatality crisis into perspective, consider that its rate of 3.56 pedestrian deaths per 100,000 residents in 2019 was nearly double the national average of 1.89. The next deadliest states, New Mexico and Louisiana, had rates of 3.53 and 3.08, respectively. At the other end of the spectrum, the safest states for pedestrians, Vermont and Wisconsin, had rates below 0.75 deaths per 100,000 people.

Sadly, Florida’s pedestrian fatality problem has shown no signs of abating in recent years. The latest NHTSA data for 2023 indicates there were 10,290 pedestrian accidents in Florida that resulted in 8,132 injuries and 778 pedestrian fatalities. This suggests the underlying risk factors for pedestrians in Florida remain dire.

Where and When Florida Pedestrian Accidents Occur

Drilling down further into the data reveals notable patterns in where and when fatal pedestrian crashes tend to happen in Florida:

  • Over 84% of pedestrian fatalities occur on urban roads rather than in rural areas
  • More than a quarter of pedestrian deaths take place between 6 pm and 9 pm
  • Fatality rates are highest on weekend nights, particularly on Saturdays
  • Nearly 80% of victims are male, with a median age of 50 years old
  • Alcohol impairment (of the driver and/or pedestrian) is a factor in around half of cases

Geographically, pedestrian accident hotspots in Florida include major metro areas like Miami, Orlando, Tampa, and Jacksonville. However, fatality rates are disproportionately high even in smaller cities like Cape Coral, Sarasota, and Clearwater compared to similarly-sized cities in other states.

Understanding At-Fault Drivers and Pedestrian Right-of-Way

In the majority of fatal pedestrian accidents, the driver is found to be at fault rather than the pedestrian. Common factors in driver-caused pedestrian deaths include:

  • Distracted driving, like texting or adjusting the radio
  • Speeding, especially in areas with lower speed limits
  • Failing to yield right-of-way to pedestrians at intersections or crosswalks
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Drivers need to understand that pedestrians have the right-of-way in many situations under Florida law.

Motorists must yield to pedestrians in marked crosswalks, at intersections with stop signs or signals, and when the pedestrian is crossing on the same half of the roadway as the vehicle.

Pedestrians also have responsibilities for their own safety, of course. This includes obeying traffic signals, using sidewalks or walking facing traffic, crossing at designated locations whenever possible, and being visible at night by carrying a flashlight or wearing reflective clothing. Still, drivers have a greater duty of care since their vehicles pose an inherent risk.

Taking Action To Reduce Pedestrian Fatalities

Given these grim statistics, what can be done to improve pedestrian safety in Florida? Some key steps include:

  • Investing in pedestrian infrastructure like sidewalks, crosswalks, and refuge islands
  • Lowering speed limits and implementing traffic calming measures in pedestrian zones
  • Educating both drivers and pedestrians on safe behaviors and state laws
  • Increasing enforcement of existing driver violations that endanger pedestrians
  • Requiring vehicle safety features like pedestrian detection and auto-braking systems

At a personal level, we urge all Floridians to make pedestrian safety a top priority. When driving, always be on the lookout for people on foot and give them plenty of space. Never drive distracted or impaired.

As a pedestrian, stay alert, follow traffic laws, and make yourself visible. This will go a long way in keeping you safe.

We Are Here To Help Florida Pedestrian Accident Victims

Sadly, pedestrian fatalities remain far too common in Florida despite growing awareness of the problem. If you have lost a loved one in this type of tragic crash, seeking prompt legal guidance is crucial. While no sum of money can undo your loss, filing a wrongful death claim can provide a measure of justice and financial security.

At JustCallMoe, our compassionate attorneys are committed to fighting for the rights of pedestrian accident victims and their families. We offer free consultations to discuss your case and explain your legal options. You can count on us to handle every aspect of your claim with professionalism and care.

Nothing is more devastating than losing a family member in a preventable pedestrian crash.

Our hearts go out to all those impacted by these tragedies across Florida. Together, we can work to make our roads safer for everyone who travels on foot. If you need us, we are here for you. Contact us today!

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