Orlando Rear-End Accident Lawyer

If you were involved in a car accident that resulted in major injuries and damage to your car, it’s essential to have a reliable Orlando car accident lawyer on your side. JustCallMoe can get you the compensation you need.

Rear-End Accident Statistics

Rear-end accidents are the most common type of car accident. According to the National Highway Safety Administration, 29% of all crashes are rear-ended collisions.

1.7 million rear-end collisions take place in the United States each year. About 1700 of these crashes are fatalities while another 500,000 results in injuries.

Common Causes of Rear-End Accidents

There are many circumstances that can make a rear-end accident more likely to occur. Here are some of the most common.

  • Distracted Driving: Drivers may be looking at electronic devices or the scenery around them. They may be talking to the people in their car, putting on makeup… and the list goes on. When involved in these activities, they may not be looking out for the cars in front of them resulting in a rear-end accident.
  • Aggressive Driving: Drivers may speed, tailgate, or cut in front of another driver making a rear-end accident more likely.
  • Driving with Intoxicated: Driving intoxicated clouds judgment affecting a driver’s ability to stop on time and prevent a collision.
  • Fatigue: Many drivers drive when they are extremely exhausted. This can be just as dangerous as drunk driving when it comes to increasing the risk of accidents.

Common Rear-End Accident Injuries

If you are rear-ended while driving, it can result in serious injuries. Here are some of the ways drivers and passengers can become injured int these types of collisions.

  • Neck Injuries: The impact of a car accident can throw the head forward causing neck injuries. Whiplash is the most common type of neck injury. Other neck injuries include strains of tendons and ligaments and spraining or tearing of the soft tissue.
  • Back Injuries: Back injuries are also common in rear-end car accidents. These can include injuries to the muscles, joints, and soft tissues. Back injuries can be debilitating, and recovery can involve extensive physical therapy and even surgery.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury: During a rear-end accident, it is common for drivers and passengers to hit their heads on the dashboard or steering wheel. They can also get hit by flying objects and in some cases, airbags can even cause injuries. Minor brain injuries like concussions often go away in time while more serious injuries can cause permanent damage.
  • Broken Bones: Broken bones are common in car accidents. Airbags can break bones in the upper body while the impact of colliding with the dashboard can break bones in the legs and knees. While broken bones usually heal with routine medical treatment, some require surgery.

Finding a Good Lawyer for Your Florida Rear-End Accident

Florida is a huge state for tourism and there are constantly cars on the streets and freeways. This makes rear-end automobile accidents likely.

If you are involved in a Florida rear-end accident, the team at JustCallMoe can help.

Moe DeWitt and his team has over two decades of experience in Orlando, FL personal injury law. We take a customized approach ensuring their clients will get the best results possible. We also fight tirelessly to see to it that justice is served.

A rear-end car accident can have serious consequences. If you were injured, don’t let at-fault parties get away with it. Contact JustCallMoe at 866-225-5663 to start the process of getting the compensation you need.

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