Orlando Texting While Driving Accidents

Distracted driving is a growing problem in America due to the increasing prevalence of technology. If you were injured in a car accident because another driver could not tear themselves away from their cell phones, you deserve to be compensated for your damages. Read on to find out how Moe DeWitt can get you the compensation you deserve.

Texting and Driving in Florida

Nationwide, 92% of drivers admitted using a cell phone while driving. Florida is a state that is no stranger to texting and driving offenses.

In 2015, the Florida teenage population experienced a marked increase in driving fatalities related to distracted car crashes. Accidents rose from 39,000 to 49,000. Miami-Dade and Broward County ranked third and fourth in the state for distracted driving.

In the past, Florida considered texting and driving a secondary offense. But after seeing how serious the problem was, the state has ramped up its laws.

Texting and driving are now illegal in the state of Florida. Section 316.305 of the Florida Statutes states that a person may not operate a motor vehicle while manually typing into a wireless device. This includes the sending of emails, texts, and so on.

How Dangerous is Distracted Driving? 

Distracted driving includes three different types of violations as follows:

  • Visual: Taking your eyes off the road
  • Manual: Taking your hands off the wheel
  • Cognitive: Thinking of anything other than driving

Texting crosses the line in all three categories. To text, a driver must have their eyes off the road, their hands off the wheel, and their mind on something other than driving. This makes it one of the most dangerous distracted driving violations.

When you are driving a car and a hazard occurs, it takes the driver some time to perceive the crash and then to react to it. The distance the car travels before coming to a complete stop or successfully getting out the way should also be considered.

Because there is a lot of time required between seeing a hazard and avoiding it, even the few seconds it takes to send a text can make for an extremely dangerous situation on the road. This is why drivers should be doing all they can to pay full attention to the road and that means keeping their phones down while driving.

Who is Responsible for Damages in a Texting and Driving Accident?

If you were injured in a texting and driving accident, the distracted driver should be responsible for damages. Damages include medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional pain and suffering.

However, you must prove that the driver was texting at the time of the accident. You must also prove that their negligent behavior caused the accident.

The right lawyer will help you build a strong case and see to it that you get the compensation you deserve.

Finding the Right Lawyer for Your Texting and Driving Accident

If you were involved in a Florida texting and driving accident, JustCallMoe to get compensated for your damages.

Serving the Orlando, FL area, Moe DeWitt has years of experience in personal injury law. We’ll guide you through the legal process using a unique approach that ensures winning results. Our team will fight tirelessly to see to it that justice is served.

Your quality of life should not be compromised just because some jerk couldn’t wait to answer a text. Make sure at-fault drivers don’t get away with their selfish behavior. Contact JustCallMoe at 866-225-5663 today!

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